20 May 2019 ajb
Looks like everything is stable and this round of data issues is solved. There are still some residual stability issues related to Amazon EC2 drive attachment reliability issues. Any EC2 experts out there? --Andrew
28 April 2019 ajb
The new MSC service seems to be stable now. The short downtime last week was not due to MSC for a change, instead it was an Amazon EC2 issue (drives not attaching properly to the instance... any Amazon EC2 experts out there want to help?) -- Andrew
13 April 2019 ajb
Well the new MSC service worked great for a few days and is now dead. Waiting again for MSC / ECCC to fix the data availability issues -- Andrew
10 April 2019 ajb
I switched over to the MSC alternative download service, though this morning's run will be late. There may be some residual bugs to work out -- Andrew
9 April 2019 ajb
I started experimenting with the new MSC alternative download service, but haven't finished getting it working yet. I'm still hoping MSC can somehow fix their baseline service. --Andrew
8 April 2019 ajb
MSC / ECCC are having trouble serving the data we use to generate the windmaps and the windgrams. They have put up an alternative service I may be able to use to get the data. I will be working on switching over to this on 8 or 9 April 2019. Sorry for the delays and missing data. --Andrew